Splash at Northwestern: March 2, 2025!

NU Splash Biography

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ADAM LEIF, NU senior studying Linguistics and Comp Sci

College: Northwestern University

Major: Linguistics, Computer Science

Year of Graduation: 2024

Picture of Adam Leif

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H663: Grammar Rules Are Fake: An Introduction to Intro Syntax in Splash Winter 2024 (Mar. 02, 2024)
Why do we write “John went to the store with Mary” but not “Mary John with store the to with”? Language has structure — and it’s not the grammar rules that you’ve been taught in school. In this class, we’ll focus on basic syntax (the structure of language) through discussion and drawing syntactic trees for sentences in English, Spanish, and more. However, no second language required!

H618: Grammar Rules Are Fake: An Introduction to Intro Syntax in Splash Winter 2023 (Feb. 26, 2023)
Why do we write “John went to the store with Mary” but not “Mary John with store the to with”? Language has structure — and it’s not the grammar rules that you’ve been taught in school. In this class, we’ll focus on basic syntax (the structure of language) through discussion and drawing syntactic trees for sentences in English, Spanish, and more. However, no second language required!

H597: Grammar Rules Are Fake: An Introduction to Intro Syntax in Splash 2022 (Apr. 02, 2022)
Why do we write “John went to the store with Mary” but not “Mary John to went with the store”? Language has structure, and it’s not the grammar rules that you’ve been taught in school. In fact, the concept of “grammar” as a whole is something completely different to a linguist. In this class, we’ll focus on basic syntax (the structure of language) through discussion and drawing syntactic trees for sentences in English, Spanish, and more.