Splash at Northwestern
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Splash at Northwestern: May 25th, 2024!

NU Splash Biography

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SAMANTHA STRASSER, Biomedical Engineering and Applied Math Junior

College: Northwestern University

Major: Biomed. Eng. and Applied Math

Year of Graduation: 2011

Picture of Samantha Strasser

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

A37: Origami: Fold Your Way to a Checkmate in Splash 2010 (Apr. 03, 2010)
Are you tired of your plastic chess set? During this recession would you like to save some money by not purchasing this beast (see here: http://www.jewelroyale.com/welcome.html)? Or maybe, you're just looking to hang out at Northwestern making origami with two awesome Northwestern Engineers (who will also answer your questions about college, applications, etc...). This course will guide you in making an origami chess set based on traditional designs (flowers, cranes, pagodas, etc...). If chess isn't your bailiwick, you are more than welcome to learn origami techniques without assembling a chess board as well. We hope to see you there!