Splash at Northwestern: March 2, 2025!

NU Splash Biography

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ROHAN WEDAM, Second year studying chemistry

College: Northwestern University

Major: Chemistry

Year of Graduation: 2025

Picture of Rohan Wedam

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Hi, I'm Rohan! I'm from Maryland, outside of Washington D.C. I really enjoy learning and sharing my interests and curiosities. When I can, I like exploring the great outdoors, biking, reading, learning languages and watching movies.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X686: Intro to debating in Splash Spring 2024 (May. 25, 2024)
I could make an argument for why you should join this class but I’d rather teach you to make it yourself. A class where you get taught to argue, win and prove that you’re right all the time. This class covers content on how to construct arguments, rebuttals and we’ll have some in-class debates so you can show off your skills. All interested debaters are welcome. No prior experience necessary

X649: Intro to debating in Splash Spring 2023 (May. 27, 2023)
We could make an argument for why you should join this class but we’d rather teach you to make it. A class where you get taught to argue, win and prove that you’re right all the time. This class covers content on how to construct arguments, rebuttals and we’ll have some in-class debates so you can show off your skills. All interested debaters are welcome. No prior experience necessary

S585: Spell book of Everyday Magic: Chemistry for Daily Life in Splash 2022 (Apr. 02, 2022)
Why should you never trust an atom? Because they make up everything! Everything you do and see in your homes, kitchens and daily lives is because of chemistry. We’ll get to the real questions in this class. How can I light my hands on fire? Why is cold soda significantly better? Why did your mom always tell you to wash your hands with water AND soap? How does a small metal cylinder power your remote? In this class, learn about how to make connections between often detached textbook principles from chemistry like acids and bases and polarity to occurrences we all care about on a day to day basis. Come join us to learn about life and see some sick demos.

X607: Intro to debating in Splash 2022 (Apr. 02, 2022)
We could make an argument for why you should join this class but we’d rather teach you to make it. A class where you get taught to argue, win and prove that you’re right all the time. This class covers content on how to construct arguments, rebuttals and we’ll have some in-class debates so you can show off your skills. All interested debaters are welcome. No prior experience necessary