Splash at Northwestern: March 2, 2025!

NU Splash Biography

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PETRAS SWISSLER, Robotics Researcher

College: Northwestern University

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Petras Swissler

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I'm a Mechanical engineering graduate student at Northwestern. My research focusses on swarm robotics. Essentially, think about how ants work together to move big things and you're on the right track.

I think that robots are cool.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

E531: Idea Workshop: Getting Started With Arduino in Splash 2020 Fall (Online) (Nov. 14, 2020)
Want to make a robot? A pet food dispenser? A candy sorter? The best way to learn a new skill is to apply it. This class will focus on introducing you to what you can do with an Arduino and how to get started. Tentative learning plan: After learning some of the basics behind how to use an Arduino, we will learn about motors, servos, and sensors, then plan out a project and then share and discuss.

E469: Robots and Control Systems in Splash 2019 (Apr. 06, 2019)
Robots are cool. You know that. I know that. This class will teach you what goes into controlling a robot at a low-level (i.e., how does a robot stay upright?). My hope is that by the end of this class you will be comfortable enough with the electronics and theory to build your own robot! Tentative outline: What is a robot? What is a control system? What electronics does a robot use? Activity: assemble a robot and investigate control properties

X475: Board Game Ludology in Splash 2019 (Apr. 06, 2019)
Learn how to critically analyze and deconstruct the systems behind a modern board game, then apply what you've learned by making a game of your own to play with fellow students! The last few years has seen an explosion in the creativity and popularity of board games as a social medium. An era arguably starting with Settlers of Catan in the late 90's, modern board gaming is in the midst of a renaissance of sorts, largely thanks to many new designers introducing novel concepts and mechanics, all while balancing accessibility. In this class, we will explore the role of player interaction, randomness, theme, and more in an effort to unravel what makes a board game tick. Tentative class structure: Interactive Lecture Portion (~25 min) -What is fun? -Interaction maps -The role of randomness -Loops Create a quick prototype (~15 min) Share your prototype (~10 min)

E341: Robots and Control Systems in Splash 2018 (Apr. 07, 2018)
Robots are cool. You know that. I know that. This class will teach you what goes into controlling a robot at a low-level (i.e., how does a robot stay upright?). My hope is that by the end of this class you will be comfortable enough with the electronics and theory to build your own robot! Tentative outline: What is a robot? What is a control system? What electronics does a robot use? Activity: assemble a robot and investigate control properties

E301: Introduction to Jet Engines in Splash 2017 (Apr. 29, 2017)
Have you ever looked out the plane window and wondered what's going on inside the engine? Find out in Introduction to Turbine Engines! The course will provide a high-level overview of the function and design of a typical aircraft engine, with detailed descriptions of the most important parts. Thermodynamic concepts will be touched upon, but the focus will be on communicating a broad-level description of a turbine engine. Feel free to come with questions! I would like for this class to be highly interactive.