Splash at Northwestern: March 2, 2025!

NU Splash Biography

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KEVIN HSU, NU graduate student studying clinical psychology

College: Northwestern University

Major: Psychology

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Kevin Hsu

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I graduated from NU last summer in 2012 majoring in psychology and biology and have stayed to pursue a PhD in clinical psychology. Broadly speaking, my focus is on human sexuality. Besides psychology, I am interested in genetics, biotechnology, gender studies, cryptozoology, the paranormal, music (especially rock), playing guitar, and Japanese culture.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S260: The Science of Gender in Splash 2014 (Apr. 06, 2014)
What makes men different from women? I will try to address this question and more by explaining what we know from psychology and biology. I will draw from psychological evidence, evolutionary theory, genetics, endocrinology, etc. There will be some (hopefully fun and interesting) opportunities for participation from students.

S216: The Science of Gender in Splash 2013 (Apr. 06, 2013)
What makes men different from women? I will try to address this question and more by explaining what we know from psychology and biology. I will draw from psychological evidence, evolutionary theory, genetics, endocrinology, etc. There will be some (hopefully fun and interesting) opportunities for participation from students.

X225: Gender and Subcultures in Splash 2013 (Apr. 06, 2013)
Are slasher films in horror all about violence against women? Are bronies changing the definition of masculinity and bucking gender norms? What is slash fiction, and why is it popular among women? Join me for this class as we take a look at a few interesting subcultures, and you might be surprised at the answers to these questions.

X88: Cryptozoology: The World's Most Enigmatic Creatures in Splash 2011 (Apr. 02, 2011)
Take a fascinating tour of the world exploring and learning about the many different undiscovered creatures that roam it. We’ll look at humanoid (Bigfoot), draconic (Loch Ness Monster), and other many weird creatures that we’ve tried to study but only come so close. There will be extensive review of scientific evidence supporting the existence of these creatures.

X14: Cryptozoology: The World's Most Enigmatic Creatures in Splash 2010 (Apr. 03, 2010)
Take a fascinating tour of the world exploring and learning about the many different undiscovered creatures that roam it. We'll look at humanoid (Bigfoot), draconic (Loch Ness Monster), and other many weird creatures that we've tried to study but only come so close. There will be extensive review of scientific evidence supporting the existence of these creatures.