Splash at Northwestern: March 2, 2025!

NU Splash Biography

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KAILEY MORAND, Freshman Theatre Major, Music Theatre Certificate

College: Northwestern University

Major: Theatre

Year of Graduation: 2025

Picture of Kailey Morand

Brief Biographical Sketch:

My name is Kailey Morand, and I am a first-year theatre major and music theatre certificate student at Northwestern. Some of my activities here include serving as Outreach Chair for the Purple Crayon Players, being Sensory Friendly Coordinator for Seesaw Theatre, directing productions, performing in shows, and writing plays and musicals. I have been involved in musical theatre for 13 years, and have experience in many aspects of the arts. I founded The IT Group, a special-needs inclusive theatre club at my high school and was a theatre teacher and curriculum writer at a children's summer camp. I aspire to a career in the arts where I can benefit marginalized communities with my work, whether it be through educating in underprivileged communities or putting up plays that tell new stories!

Past Classes

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