Splash at Northwestern: March 2, 2025!

NU Splash Biography

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JAMES SCHWABACHER, NU Chemistry PhD Candidate

College: Northwestern University

Major: Chemistry

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of James Schwabacher

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S415: Impactful Science in Splash 2019 (Apr. 06, 2019)
How did past scientific research contribute to the world's current problems? Will today's computing lead to a society ruled by artificial intelligence? To answer such questions, we'll explore how cutting-edge research will impact our world in the years ahead--and might just save us.

S348: Impactful Science in Splash 2018 (Apr. 07, 2018)
How did past scientific research contribute to the world's current problems? Will today's computing lead to a society ruled by artificial intelligence? To answer such questions, we'll explore how cutting-edge research will impact our world in the years ahead--and might just save us.