Splash at Northwestern: March 2, 2025!

NU Splash Biography

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JAMIE HOVERSEN, Grad Student in Higher Education Administration

College: Northwestern University

Major: Higher Education Administration

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Jamie Hoversen

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I grew in San Francisco and then went to the University of San Diego for college. I majored in History and Sociology and was involved in student government and tutored students at the university.

After graduating I worked for EF International Language School in Oakland, CA for a year and then moved to their school in Chicago and worked there for a year. At EF students came from all over the world to study English. I helped organize and plan activities for the students, issued the proper documents for the students to obtain their visas and assisted students who were interested in applying to college in the United States.

In the summer of 2009 I began working at Northwestern University at the Biological Imaging Facility. I work on the business side of things managing the budget, billing, scheduling, events and website. I am also a part time student in the Higher Education Administration & Policy Master's program at NU offered through the School of Education & Social Policy.

One of my favorite things to do outside of work is travel. I hope to see the entire world in my lifetime. Other things I enjoy doing in my free time is cooking, going to museums, playing sports, watching sports, doing yoga, and hiking.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

H62: Dreams: A Freudian Interpretation in Splash 2011 (Apr. 02, 2011)
Have you ever wondered why we dream, what they mean, and why dreams can be so bizarre? This class will give an overview of the interpretation of dreams according to Sigmund Freud. I will cover how Freud categorizes the mind into the id ego and superego, and then move into what dreams are and why they occur (in relation to the brain), according to Freud, as well as classifying the different types of dreams he believes exists. A portion of the class will be dedicated to breaking down an example of a dream (either one brought in by me, or one that a student brings in if they wish).