Splash at Northwestern: March 2, 2025!

NU Splash Biography

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MICHELLE MARCUS, NU graduate student studying biology

College: Northwestern University

Major: IBiS

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Michelle Marcus

Brief Biographical Sketch:

I'm a second year graduate student starting out on a career in bioengineering. I hope to improve human health through my research. I really enjoy getting people excited about biology.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

S239: Mafia style Immunology in Splash 2013 (Apr. 06, 2013)
Come learn about how the immune system works to fight off infection. We will then play a mafia-style game in which the goal is for the immune cells to fight off viruses and bacteria.

S165: Fact or Fiction? Scientific Misconceptions in Splash 2012 (Mar. 31, 2012)
Ever wondered if the food you eat will change your DNA? Do neutrinos move faster than light? Can earthworms regenerate? And how long does it actually take to digest chewing gum? Come learn amazing facts and debunk common beliefs about science!

S166: Microbiological Murdery Mystery in Splash 2012 (Mar. 31, 2012)
Ever wonder about all the microbes in the world and how they're out to get you? Well, it might have been too late for Mr. Body, but we have to figure out what killed him before the microbe takes down more innocent people.