Splash at Northwestern: March 2, 2025!

NU Splash Biography

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TOM SHERIDAN, NU Graduate Student, Chemistry (Hupp Group)

College: Northwestern University

Major: Chemistry

Year of Graduation: G

Picture of Tom Sheridan

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Currently studying metal-organic frameworks for photocatalysis research under Prof. Hupp. Have taught about molecular orbital theory and prediction markets, and plan to again!

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

M647: How to Lose Money On The Internet: Political Statistics and Prediction Markets in Splash Spring 2023 (May. 27, 2023)
It's time to put your (fake) money where your mouth is! In this course, we will go over the basics of probability and statistics and how they apply to polling and prediction markets. There will be a demonstration of how prediction markets work and a challenge to make the most money possible given a certain budget and risk (with appropriate rewards!).

S648: Magic Space Balloons and You: Molecular Orbitals and How Chemistry Really Works in Splash Spring 2023 (May. 27, 2023)
We will learn about the basics behind molecular orbitals and bonding in molecules. This course will go over the shapes of atomic orbitals and how they interact with each other, and end with you making your very first Molecular Orbital Diagram.

M620: How to Lose Money On The Internet: Political Statistics and Prediction Markets in Splash Winter 2023 (Feb. 26, 2023)
It's time to put your (fake) money where your mouth is! In this course, we will go over the basics of probability and statistics and how they apply to polling and prediction markets. There will be a demonstration of how prediction markets work and a challenge to make the most money possible given a certain budget and risk (with appropriate rewards!).

S621: Magic Space Balloons and You: Molecular Orbitals and How Chemistry Really Works in Splash Winter 2023 (Feb. 26, 2023)
We will learn about the basics behind molecular orbitals and bonding in molecules. This course will go over the shapes of atomic orbitals and how they interact with each other, and end with you making your very first Molecular Orbital Diagram.

M566: How to Lose Money On The Internet: Political Statistics and Prediction Markets in Splash 2022 (Apr. 02, 2022)
It's time to put your (fake) money where your mouth is! In this course, we will go over the basics of probability and statistics and how they apply to polling and prediction markets. There will be a demonstration of how prediction markets work and a challenge to make the most money possible given a certain budget and risk (with appropriate rewards!).

M500: How to Lose Money On The Internet: Political Statistics and Prediction Markets in Splash 2020 Fall (Online) (Nov. 14, 2020)
In this course, we will go over the basics of probability and statistics and how they apply to polling and prediction markets. At the end, there will be a demonstration of how prediction markets work and a challenge to make the most money possible given a certain budget and risk.

H462: History of Tank Design in Splash 2019 (Apr. 06, 2019)
We will go over the basic characteristics of armored vehicles, and how various designers optimized these characteristics given the technology of their times. We will also go over the roles that various vehicles played in major historical events, including both World Wars as well as significant battles up to present.