Splash at Northwestern: March 2, 2025!

NU Splash Biography

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College: Northwestern University

Major: Not available.

Year of Graduation: Not available.

Picture of Anita Li

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

A612: Work Out...Your Funny Bone! in Splash Winter 2023 (Feb. 26, 2023)
If you’re tired of hearing about how the chicken crossed the road or want to go beyond knock-knock jokes, explore the world of laughs in this stand-up comedy workshop! We’re gonna watch some funny videos, talk about what makes things funny, and then write and perform our own jokes! You don’t have to be the class clown to join, all fans of humor and storytelling are welcome here. Just an FYI, stand-up can get a little wild, so this class may get a little PG-13. As long as you like having a good time and want to learn a bit more about the world of stand-up, come join us!