Splash at Northwestern: March 2, 2025!

NU Splash Biography

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College: Northwestern University

Major: Spanish

Year of Graduation: 2021

Picture of Mark Yazhari

Brief Biographical Sketch:

Not Available.

Past Classes

  (Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)

X445: Are the World's Different Religions Connected? in Splash 2019 (Apr. 06, 2019)
Members of various world religions – Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism, to name a few – consistently seem to argue or even fight against each other. But what if their religions are more connected than they think? In this class, we will explore a hypothesis found in the Baha'i Faith about the interconnectedness of the world's religions, questioning whether all these faiths might stem from the same source. Get ready for some interesting discussion and a game of jeopardy!

H388: You can change the world in Splash 2018 (Apr. 07, 2018)
Come engage in conversation and activities aimed at releasing the power of your youth and how it can be used to effect change in your neighborhoods. Come hear stories about how youth around the world are doing the same. Do you think our world, nation, city, neighborhoods, or culture need to change, but not sure what you can do? Did you find middle school a particularly challenging time and wish someone slightly older could have helped you negotiate this period? Do you want to help others in this way? Looking for a sense of purpose? Come explore a program inspired by the Baha'i writings (but is not religious or religious education) that does just this and is changing neighborhoods around the world.