NU Splash Biography
Edit this biography!ANDREW MAO, Martial Machiavellian with his head in the clouds
College: University of Chicago Major: Not available. Year of Graduation: Not available. |
Brief Biographical Sketch:
I am Beijing born and Chicago grown. In other words, my identity is passion. I find pure drive in every project I undertake, every teammate I work with, and every leap into new and unfamiliar waters. In my life, I give new goals and thresholds the same eager willingness that I give everything I have passion for. In my free time, I love performing Chinese martial arts, acting, dancing, singing, Circus, rock climbing, and volunteering with Homeless Food Run and adopted Chinese children. Perhaps most importantly, I love to show off my city, whether it involves giving tours for prospective students or for Chicago tourists. I'm an extreme foodie and avid theater-goer, both of which I love sharing expertise for. Past Classes(Clicking a class title will bring you to the course's section of the corresponding course catalog)A270: Flying and Finesse: Martial Arts and Acrobatics in Splash 2014 (Apr. 06, 2014)
Learn how to fly. If you are willing to try new things and give 110%, step out of your comfort zone and into the air. Learn to control your body in astounding ways. No experience necessary. You'll never want your feet on the ground again.